Tuesday, April 1, 2008

12 Month Check-up

We went for Haydens 1 year check-up this morning and he HATED it. I am not sure if he knows what is going on or what. Usually he doesn't meet a stranger, ya know all smiles and everything. But we went in there today and from the time that they weighed and measured him til the time he got shots he was screaming. The only time that he was happy was after the doc left and before the nurse came back in. It was pretty funny. Dr. Mark took him anyways even tho he was screaming and tried throwing him up in the air. Hayden couldn't resist laughing then, but as soon as he stopped the crying started. But all is well !

Sooo here are the measurements ....
21 1/5 pounds (30th percentile)
29 in (50th percentile)