Saturday, March 29, 2008

A couple of new things....

Hayden has started doing some more new things lately. He started blowing his food before he sticks it in his mouth, because of course I do this sometimes before I give him something. He has been shaking his head No for a while now. He now does it when he doesn't want something and that is pretty much all the time. He is a subborn little man. I guess now we surely do have us a toddler on our hands! We have another tooth too. It is another top one.

Also, we finally turned his carseat around to face the front. We have had problems with him and the carseat for as long as I can remember. He usually starts screaming after sitting in there for a few minutes. So we had been counting down the days until he turned 1 so that we could turn him around. Today was only the second day of this, but as of right now no screaming. He just sits there and watches his movies and falls asleep with crying.