Thursday, March 27, 2008

All about the Day!

Sooo... Hayden is finally 1. It makes me really sad to think that he is growing up soooo fast. I cried today about it after Patty left, but I know that it has to happen. Ok about the big day... It was a pretty busy day for the little man. We went to town to get his balloons and a few last minute things for the party and took him out to eat. Then we came home and tried to get him to take a nap before the party started and he wanted no part of it. I think that he knew that something was up. Mom and Patty got there early and thank goodness they did bc they were the ones that had to decorate, poor things. It was now time for the party. My neighbors brought over their 2 kids and Hayden played a little with them. We of course got Hayden his own little cake so that he could just dig in and well that didn't happen. He did not want to use his hands that much. He preferred using the fork, but that was ok. Kylie helped Hayden open his gifts, bc he was more interested in playin with the ones that were already opened.

We then went to St. C with Patty afterwards bc she was having some car trouble from flipping her car a couple of weeks ago. We took Hayden to the mall while we were waiting. So as you see he had a pretty busy day and you think that by the time we got home that night he would be ready for bed. Well think again he didn't go to bed until like 10:30 or 11. But I guess as like most of us when we were kids we don't want our birthdays to end.