Monday, April 7, 2008

Park and a Sandbox

Not too sure what he is looking at, but he seems

very interested.

He wasn't too interested in the flowers, other

than wanting to eat them.

Yesterday believe it or not up here was a nice day. It was about 70 out there and we actually got to go out and enjoy the day. Around noon we went to a park down the road called Barkcamp and let Hayden run around. When we got home we figured he would be ready for a nap, but we were wrong. He was ready to go again, so we took him in the backyard and he was playin in the dirt. SOO we decided that he needed a Sandbox and it was the best idea. He played in that thing for like 2 hours. It was really nice because we got a lot of yard work done.

(Ok this post is from yesterday, but it wouldn't let me post yesterday afternoon and I never got another chance to get on here ) Sorry! But it is pretty much the same story today. Other than our neighbors little girl, Kylie, came over this evening and played in the sandbox with Hayden.