Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stay with MeMe

Sunday evening after Hayden's nap, we went over to Memes to help her unpack a few more things. Hayden and I stayed there until after dinner and then I told him we needed to head home to let dogs out. Well, he said "Stay with MeMe" and so we decided to let him spend the night. At this point it was already around 8 and he goes to be around 9-9:30, and so I let him stay. Now he has only spent maybe 2 nights away from me in two years and I wasn't sure how this was going to go. I get home around 8:20 and do everything that I need to do at night, and let me tell ya it goes a lot quicker without my little helper. At around 9:40 I get the call that he fell asleep. SO I go to bed around 11 after watching a movie all by myself. Well at around midnight I get a call that he has woken up and won't go back to sleep (poor baby). I go over to get him and we get home at around 1:30am and go straight upstairs to bed. He finally settled down an hour later and slept in the next morning.