Sunday, February 1, 2009

Playing in the Snow

I know I haven't posted a lot lately, but it has been a busy week for us. As I wrote before we took our kitty Honey to be put down last Monday. Well as if that wasn't enough a few days later I had to take my dog Lacey (who is 14) to the vet over a pretty bad eye ulcer and skin problems. Both which are curable, but still pretty bad. In between all of these Patty came home for a few days to keep me company. I really don't know what I would have done without her after the Honey thing. (Thanks Patty! Hayden misses you and your phone)
Ok so the pics. Patty, Hayden and I went out in the snow for a little while the other day. We were going to go tubing, but the snow really wasn't packed down enough. And to make things easier for us we decided to just pull him around, and yes that is a dog leash hooked on there. Hey whatever works right.