Friday, April 25, 2008


My Mom bought Hayden a Mustang Powerwheels for Christmas, but he is still WAY too little to use it. So we were all outside tonight and Kylie kept wanting to ride Haydens little go-cart but she was too big and it wouldn't move. The Mustang has been upstairs stored in my bedroom so Justin figured he would get it out and let Kylie drive Hayden around. IT was pretty cute. They seemed to have a blast. Hayden was playing with the Radio and Kylie was driving them around. The pictures that I took did not turn out that great

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just some pics

About to taste a Lemon.
And the first taste. From this pic you wouldn't

know it, but he did actually like it. I was really amazed.
Taking the lid off the sandbox

So yes I know I have posted a lot but I am behind, and Hayden is actually sleeping. I figured while he was sleeping that I would try and catch up.

Bath Time

Hayden loves his Bath Time!

Playing with Kibbles

Sooo we finally got Kibbles a new softball to play with outside. He managed to shred his last one over the summer. We were outside playing with him and Hayden decided he wanted to try and it was the cutest thing. He would throw the ball, even tho it would not go very far, and Kibbles would pick it up and run around and then bring it back to him.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Outside fun

Hayden riding one of his toys outside He is trying to get into our Neighbors yard here!
Story behind what he is doing... Hayden has been watching Kylie and Me open this so that
she can come over. So he was trying to figure this thing out. He was pretty funny.

Hayden and Kibbles! Hayden was giving me a sad face bc I would not let him into the neigbors yard.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Can you believe it?

This is a very rare occasion around here. Hayden fell asleep on his own. After playing outside all day and then coming in and getting a sippy of milk. He layed down on the floor and started watching some spongebob, and the next thing I know he is asleep. Like I said this is really rare, because usually Hayden will not go to sleep unless one of us are holding him.

Just to mention Hayden is almost finished with his bottles. He only takes one before bed and sometimes not even then. It kinda makes me sad that he is growing sooo fast.


New Ride

We went to Toysrus the other day and we couldn't resist getting this cute little go-cart that we found for Hayden. It was between this and a 4-wheeler, but we decided on this because of the seat. He seems to really like it right now, he seems to prefer it in the house than outside. There is just too much to get into right now outside. It is all new to him, because we have been locked in the house all winter. It is now cold out there again, sooo he isn't to happy not getting to go out. For the last two days he has been trying to put on his shoes and socks because he knows he gets to go out when he has them on.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Park and a Sandbox

Not too sure what he is looking at, but he seems

very interested.

He wasn't too interested in the flowers, other

than wanting to eat them.

Yesterday believe it or not up here was a nice day. It was about 70 out there and we actually got to go out and enjoy the day. Around noon we went to a park down the road called Barkcamp and let Hayden run around. When we got home we figured he would be ready for a nap, but we were wrong. He was ready to go again, so we took him in the backyard and he was playin in the dirt. SOO we decided that he needed a Sandbox and it was the best idea. He played in that thing for like 2 hours. It was really nice because we got a lot of yard work done.

(Ok this post is from yesterday, but it wouldn't let me post yesterday afternoon and I never got another chance to get on here ) Sorry! But it is pretty much the same story today. Other than our neighbors little girl, Kylie, came over this evening and played in the sandbox with Hayden.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Some Videos

1st Birthday Pictures

We finally went and got a family picture and Haydens 1st Birthday pics. He would not smile that much. He is starting to go thru that shy stage and plus within the last week everyone he has really met has either been giving him shots or taking some blood.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Look at the Change!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


As I mentioned in the last post we took Hayden to the doc yesterday. Well the doctor told us that we should have him Lead Posion test bc our house was built before 78. Sooo I didn't take him yesterday bc he was not in the greatest mood. We did take him this morning bc they said to try and get there for 2 so they would have help holding him. Believe me we needed it. Hayden is a strong little guy. Anyways we did get it done and over with and he was a trooper.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

12 Month Check-up

We went for Haydens 1 year check-up this morning and he HATED it. I am not sure if he knows what is going on or what. Usually he doesn't meet a stranger, ya know all smiles and everything. But we went in there today and from the time that they weighed and measured him til the time he got shots he was screaming. The only time that he was happy was after the doc left and before the nurse came back in. It was pretty funny. Dr. Mark took him anyways even tho he was screaming and tried throwing him up in the air. Hayden couldn't resist laughing then, but as soon as he stopped the crying started. But all is well !

Sooo here are the measurements ....
21 1/5 pounds (30th percentile)
29 in (50th percentile)