Saturday, March 29, 2008

A couple of new things....

Hayden has started doing some more new things lately. He started blowing his food before he sticks it in his mouth, because of course I do this sometimes before I give him something. He has been shaking his head No for a while now. He now does it when he doesn't want something and that is pretty much all the time. He is a subborn little man. I guess now we surely do have us a toddler on our hands! We have another tooth too. It is another top one.

Also, we finally turned his carseat around to face the front. We have had problems with him and the carseat for as long as I can remember. He usually starts screaming after sitting in there for a few minutes. So we had been counting down the days until he turned 1 so that we could turn him around. Today was only the second day of this, but as of right now no screaming. He just sits there and watches his movies and falls asleep with crying.

A Boy and his Wagon

For Haydens birthday we got him a Radio Flyer Wagon so we could walk him around the neighbor hood and take him over to the park. Well today we decided to take him over to the park for a little ride. We didn't get to stay out for very long because it is still pretty cold out there. I am not sure if it is ever gonna warm up.

Friday, March 28, 2008

More Birthday Pics

Thursday, March 27, 2008

All about the Day!

Sooo... Hayden is finally 1. It makes me really sad to think that he is growing up soooo fast. I cried today about it after Patty left, but I know that it has to happen. Ok about the big day... It was a pretty busy day for the little man. We went to town to get his balloons and a few last minute things for the party and took him out to eat. Then we came home and tried to get him to take a nap before the party started and he wanted no part of it. I think that he knew that something was up. Mom and Patty got there early and thank goodness they did bc they were the ones that had to decorate, poor things. It was now time for the party. My neighbors brought over their 2 kids and Hayden played a little with them. We of course got Hayden his own little cake so that he could just dig in and well that didn't happen. He did not want to use his hands that much. He preferred using the fork, but that was ok. Kylie helped Hayden open his gifts, bc he was more interested in playin with the ones that were already opened.

We then went to St. C with Patty afterwards bc she was having some car trouble from flipping her car a couple of weeks ago. We took Hayden to the mall while we were waiting. So as you see he had a pretty busy day and you think that by the time we got home that night he would be ready for bed. Well think again he didn't go to bed until like 10:30 or 11. But I guess as like most of us when we were kids we don't want our birthdays to end.

Birthday Pics

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Birthday Boy!

Today is Haydens birthday. I cannot believe that he is already one. We are having him a birthday party this evening. I will post some pics later.


Monday, March 24, 2008


Yesterday for Easter we bought Hayden some blocks. He played with them a little bit, but we were kinda busy yesterday so he didn't get a lot of time with them. Well today Hayden and I played with them all day. He keeps putting two of them together and then he will take them apart. Our next visit to Bama his cousins Corbett and Casen will have someone else to play blocks with them.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone. We didn't really do anything special today. We went to town this morning to get a few things that we needed, and then we came home and let Hayden open his Easter Basket. Justin did FINALLY finish our upstairs. He built Hayden a room last year before he was born and soooo the other half of the area wasn't finished. This of course has bugged me for a year, but now it won't.

Oh and he now says Kitty Kitty! It is sooo cute. He runs around the house chasing the cats screaming Kitty Kitty!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Number 6

Yes another tooth. He is getting a mouthful of them now. It seemed to take forever for his two front teeth to come in but after they did the others haven't had a problem. Justin said that he thinks another one is about to come thru too. I managed to get a pic of the new one on bottom, but he wasn't too happy in the pictures. He was ready for bed.

6 more days til his birthday. Can you believe that it has been a year.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fun Day at the Park

Justin and I took Hayden over to the park this afternoon. It was actually a pretty nice day out and the park was actually empty. He had a blast running around out there. We also took in on the swings again and he laughed so much he was crying.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

New Tooth

Our little guy has another tooth and that makes 5. It is another bottom one, and I guess that would explain some of the fussy baby we have had lately. We had thought that it was because he is sick, but I guess it was a combination of the two. We took him to the doctor on Friday bc of his coughing and sneezing. Anyways they said that he should be getting better in a few days, so lets hope. Oh and btw he weighted 20 pounds. So he hasn't gained very much since he was 9 months. I guess he is gonna be a little guy like his Dada.

Oh yay and he has a new word. BOO! He will peek out from behind something and go Boo! It is too cute. Maybe I will get a video of it soon.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Silly Boy!

We bought Flash our Basset Hound a dog bed to keep him from jumping on and off the couch. We didn't want problems down the road, bc we already have some leg problems with our Doberman. To look at him you wouldn't know it, but we do. Well anyways we bought the bed and believe it or not the dog nor the cat lay it ... But that isn't to say that it isn't getting used. Hayden seems to think that it is really comfy.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sick !

Sorry I haven't posted anything lately, but it has been a really busy week. When Justin got home last week he was starting to feel a little sick and it just kept getting worse. As most of you know he kept telling me that he wasn't sick. Then a few days later Hayden started getting a fever, runny nose and coughing. Then Justin felt pretty bad about getting the baby sick and went to the doc. So I hope that he gets to feeling better. Hayden is doing a lot better. He ran a fever for a couple of days and then it finally broke. This was his first cold and I made it thru it, barely.