Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday

We had Hayden's 2nd Birthday Party last thursday.

Trying to get his new chair in the tent....

He was sooo exhausted by the end of night. I gave him his bath and he was walking around the house with Dada and he fell asleep. It has been a REALLY long time since he has fallen asleep like this.

New Car

This is my new car. We ended up getting a 2009 Ford Fusion. I haven't had a car since we moved up here 7 years ago because of the snow, but I just couldn't resist.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Poor Car

Yesterday Hayden and I went with mom to the doctor. We were gone for a few hours and when we finally got back to her house. We noticed cop cars and fire trucks in her driveway and down the street. At first we didn't know what was going on, but then I noticed that their were some wrecked cars in her yard. I said oh those poor people and then I realized that one of those cars was my car. Some lady had hit my parked car and knocked it about 45ft into my moms yard. Of course I ask everyone how the lady is that had hit my car and she was ok other than the busted nose from the airbag. Our cars on the other hand and not in good shape.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Birthday Present

I cannot believe that in 6 days we will be celebrating Hayden's 2nd Birthday. These last two years have just flown by. Justin and I decided to get him a Swing Set for his Bday. I do not think that he is going to be able to enjoy it anytime soon though for 2 reasons. The first well is Justin still hasn't gotten it put together and the second is the weather is still cold. We had a couple of nice days, but now it is back freezing out there. Here are a couple of pics of Hayden and Justin working on the set.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Visit to Aunt Pattys

We went out to Columbus Sat to visit Aunt Patty and Chris. I do believe that Hayden had a blast while he was there. We went out to the barn to visit Patty's horse, Rhythm and Hayden got to help fly a Kite. I think that the best part for him tho was chasing the poor kitty around that was there. After that we headed to Don Pablo's. I of course really enjoyed that, but Hayden didn't. It was a little too spicy for him. After that we went bowling. I had been bowling in probably 9 years. I was really bad at then and well let me tell ya I haven't improved. But it was a lot of fun and we will have to go again on our next trip. After bowling we headed back to the apartment and figured Hayden would go to sleep after such a long day. Oh were we wrong... He was up til after 1am and finally we just had to make him go to bed.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Random Pet Pics

This is Kibby..
Mambo and Titan

Cricket... She kept stealing Hayden's bubba
This is my moms puppy.

Some pictures

Helping Me wash the dishes.

Titan and Mambo were playing... Hayden was their referee

He was wearing his Dada's jacket.

Hayden and Cricket

I guess Munchie needed a combing. He can't believe that she

actually let her comb her

We have been pretty busy around here lately and I haven't had time to add pictures. Here are a few that I have taken over the last couple of weeks.