Sunday, September 21, 2008

No more Crib!

We turned Hayden's Crib into a Daybed today! He has only slept in his crib a number of times, and those were when he was little. He sleeps in the bed with us. Well mainly me because Justin for 3 wks out of the month is working either 2nd or 3rd shift. So it is just nice to have him in here with me.... I use to take a nap with Hayden everyday..... Ya know when they sleep you better sleep thing. But for the last couple of months he has been sleeping great and I haven' needed the extra sleep! So now I figured it would be nice for him to sleep in his bed instead of the couch..... He seemed to really like it. He got his Woobie and a car and crawled up there and layed down! He never went to sleep, but it is a start...