Sunday, September 21, 2008

No more Crib!

We turned Hayden's Crib into a Daybed today! He has only slept in his crib a number of times, and those were when he was little. He sleeps in the bed with us. Well mainly me because Justin for 3 wks out of the month is working either 2nd or 3rd shift. So it is just nice to have him in here with me.... I use to take a nap with Hayden everyday..... Ya know when they sleep you better sleep thing. But for the last couple of months he has been sleeping great and I haven' needed the extra sleep! So now I figured it would be nice for him to sleep in his bed instead of the couch..... He seemed to really like it. He got his Woobie and a car and crawled up there and layed down! He never went to sleep, but it is a start...

A trip to Cabela's!

Justin, Hayden and I took a drive over to Cabela's in Wheeling WV today. We have been wanting to take Hayden over there to see the fish and exhibits that they have there. It was really worth the drive because he had a BLAST!

Getting ready for Cold Weather!

Hayden and I went shopping the other night with the neighbors for some winter stuff. It has already been getting cool here. The highs have been in the lower 70's. Soooo, while we were out and at Old Navy Hayden found a hat and put it on. I thought that it looked cute on him!

MiMi's Birthday

Last Tuesday we went over to my moms to celebrate her birthday. I will be nice and not mention how old she just turned! ;-) Hayden loved the birthday cake as always....

Monday, September 15, 2008

Last swim....

This is all of the kids swimming for one of the last time this summer.