Friday, May 23, 2008


Hayden went to his first birthday party Wen night. Our neighbors little boy, Logan, turned one! Hayden loved going over there and getting to play with all the kids. He esp loves Kylie. She is 4 1/5yrs and tries to carry him around. He doesn't mind it either. It was cute. I forgot my camera at the house and didn't feel like walking back over because I have been sick. I should have some pics of him playing over there pretty soon tho.

Also... Hayden is learning more and more words. He now says Lola (my moms rottie), and kinda says Lacy.. kinda sounds like aaaccc. He loves the animals as you can tell. He also says Kibby and Ti and knows of course which one is which. Still working on Flash and I have been working on Aunt! He is a little chatterbox.