Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Here are a few new pictures of Pattys horse, Rhythm. I think that he is turning out to be a very handsome horse. He is about to turn 15 months.

Veil at her Show

Proud Mommy and Veil!

As I mentioned in the other post, Veil had a show in MN. It was just a show for Rotties and Veil placed 3rd in her class of 40. SO we are really proud of our little girl.

Visit with Meme and Papaw

Papaw was home again for a couple of days. He and Mom had a dog show in MN for their Rottie and on their back they came through Ohio. Mom is moving out to Illionis with Dad in a couple of weeks. So he was here picking up some of their stuff to move out there. It was nice to get to see him for a couple of days. We also celebrated their 19th anniversary on May 27th. Justin, Hayden and I took them out for breakfast. Justin was on afternoon shift and so breakfast was the only time we could all get together.

When we got back from breakfast, Meme and Papaw took Hayden over to the park and pulled him around in his wagon. He of course loves this and doesn't want you to stop. SO I am sure that he had them pretty wore out.

Another tooth

Hayden has another tooth. I didn't even know that he had it until today. I was playing with him in the floor and he was laughing and I caught a glimpse of it. It is one in the back. That now makes 8, 5 on top and 3 on the bottom.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Pop Ice..

Ok I think that they are called Pop-Ice. For some reason I am drawing a blank.

Hayden had his first pop ice and they are a lot less messy than popsicles. Hayden had been playing out and before I gave him a bath Justin gave him one. I wasn't sure if he was going to able to eat it, but he just sucked on it like a straw. It was pretty funny. He was trying to get the last bit of it out and it fell on the floor and the dogs ate it. He got really upset and kept going to the fridge trying to get us to get him another one. Believe it or not we did not give in!


The other day Justin was doing some weed cutting around the house. He comes and gets me and says that 2 baby bunnies came darting out of one of the bushes and to get the dog in. Titan our dobie doesn't really like other animals and it had ran into the back yard. Well we ended up finding them. One of them eventually decided that it was safe to return back, but the other one I guess was really freaked out. Well me being the person that I am was all concerned and finally convinced Justin to pick it up and take it back close to where it was.

Friday, May 23, 2008


I bought this little bebe seat when Hayden was about 5 months. He used it for a couple of months. He started sitting up really well on his own at about 6 months and when I would put him in there he would somehow crawl out. Well, I let my neighbors use it for Logan and she brought it back the other day. I guess Hayden thinks it is a new toy because now all he does is get in and out of it.
Before anyone says anything NO I am not cutting his hair. I told mom the other day I was gonna
quit posting pics because eveyone thinks I need to cut his hair, other than her
and I. Yes it is a little long, but oh well. I like his curls and I wanna keep them around as long
as I can.


Hayden went to his first birthday party Wen night. Our neighbors little boy, Logan, turned one! Hayden loved going over there and getting to play with all the kids. He esp loves Kylie. She is 4 1/5yrs and tries to carry him around. He doesn't mind it either. It was cute. I forgot my camera at the house and didn't feel like walking back over because I have been sick. I should have some pics of him playing over there pretty soon tho.

Also... Hayden is learning more and more words. He now says Lola (my moms rottie), and kinda says Lacy.. kinda sounds like aaaccc. He loves the animals as you can tell. He also says Kibby and Ti and knows of course which one is which. Still working on Flash and I have been working on Aunt! He is a little chatterbox.

Friday, May 16, 2008


We bought Hayden some fingerpaint and let him play with it this morning. I needed to wash some dishes and figured his was a good way to keep him busy. He played with it for awhile and I managed to get some work done.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Ride with Dada

I have been helping my Mom hang wallpaper in her living room. Hayden and Justin went with me yesterday and Justin had been playing outside with him and then I look out there and he had him riding around the backyard on the 4-wheeler. He enjoyed it sooo much that Justin said he fell asleep.


Hayden now tries to blow his nose. It is soo cute. He will get a tissue and he puts it up to his nose and he blows. He also wipes his mouth whenever he is done eating. All I usually have to do is give him a wipe after he eats. Now if I could get him to clean his hands we would be doing good.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Papaw and MeMe stopped by this evening and they had a surpise for Hayden. He got his first 4-wheeler. He of course is too big to ride it right now, but that it ok. He still likes to get on it and climb around. I think that the age limit is 8. I am sure that when the time comes he will get a lot of use out of it. (if I let him ride it) I am pretty darn protective over the little guy so he might not be riding it until he is like 20!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Visit from Papaw

Papaw is in from Illinois for a few days. It has been a few months since his last visit. Hayden was a bit shy in the beginning but he did warm up to him after he took him outside and let him play.

New Truck

DaDa got a new truck.

Into Everything...

My little man is into everything. As you can see here he is trying to figure out how to hook up the contollers. He watched DaDa put them in there. We unplug them when we are not using them and well he decided that he was gonna try and plug them back in.

13 Months

Hayden turned 13 months last week. Still can't believe it. A few new things that he is doing... Lets see... He loves to dance. Every time he hears music he will dance. We went out to lunch today and when they turned on the music he started dancing. Loves to gives kisses. He now puckers up and gives ya a kiss. He tries to dress himself. He def knows how to undress himself. It seems as soon as soon as I put clothes on him I turn around he has shirt, shorts and Diaper off.