Friday, February 22, 2008


Just thought that I would tell everyone about a few of the new things that are going on with our little man. First, this morning I checked to see if Hayden's other tooth had finally broken the skin and guess what it has! You can just barely see it, but that now makes 4!

And he has been saying a new word! Finally he is saying Dada... He started a few days ago while Justin was home for the week. I was just glad that Justin was here to hear him say it for the first time. I have been trying to get a video of it, but haven't as of yet. Maybe I will be able to get one in the next few days.

One more thing.. Hayden is finally walking in shoes. I haven't really been pushing it or anything, but I figured it is getting a little closer to warmer weather. And if he wants to go out and play he is gonna have to wear some shoes. I was really surprised tho, because he took right to it. He isn't as skilled as walking around barefooted, but he is getting better.