Friday, February 29, 2008

Went to Visit Aunt Patty

Yesterday we went out to Columbus for the day. Hayden had a blast at his Aunts house. It was all new to him and he loved exploring her apartment. I don't think that there was a room untouched, expect for the one that the kitty was hiding in. He also got to meet the new man in her life, and really took to him. Maybe he is trying to tell ya something Patty... jk :-) It was a really fun day and we can't til we get a chance to go back out and see the sites of Columbus.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

11 months old

Hayden is 11 months old today. I just can't believe that one month from now he will be one. He is getting to be a big boy and can't wait til we get to celebrate his 1st birthday!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sweet Boy

Checking out the teeth! :-)

Couple pictures of Hayden and Titan. He kept loving on him while he was lying on the couch today.

Still likes his Bouncer

Look how little!

Hayden has started finally taking his bottles and feeding himself. He was laying on a little couch I bought him, but I had to put it up for awhile. He had started pushing it around and trying to use to use it to get on the couch. I did bring back out his Bouncer seat that he has had forever and apparently still loves it. Since I brought it back out last week he has been laying around eating and watching TV.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dogs in the Snow

We had another good snow the other day when we woke up. This particular morning my neighbors dog was outside too and they all had a blast running up and down the fence line. They usually do this ALL day long in the summer, but not too much in the winter.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Just thought that I would tell everyone about a few of the new things that are going on with our little man. First, this morning I checked to see if Hayden's other tooth had finally broken the skin and guess what it has! You can just barely see it, but that now makes 4!

And he has been saying a new word! Finally he is saying Dada... He started a few days ago while Justin was home for the week. I was just glad that Justin was here to hear him say it for the first time. I have been trying to get a video of it, but haven't as of yet. Maybe I will be able to get one in the next few days.

One more thing.. Hayden is finally walking in shoes. I haven't really been pushing it or anything, but I figured it is getting a little closer to warmer weather. And if he wants to go out and play he is gonna have to wear some shoes. I was really surprised tho, because he took right to it. He isn't as skilled as walking around barefooted, but he is getting better.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Helping Daddy..

He is such a big help.. :-)

New Floor...

Yesterday we bought some new floor for the kitchen and put it down. It looks sooo much better. I hated the white floor that was in there and I glad that it is finally gone. Justin did an amazing job putting it down.

Talking to his Aunt Patty...

Hayden is now fascinated with talking on the phone... actually he just listens, but it is still cute.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines Day Everyone! Hayden and I did not do very much today except for hang out. At around 10:30am I got a call from our local flower shop saying that they have a deliver for me and wanted to make sure I was going to be home for a little while and of course I was. Sooo.... then about half an hour later a delivery person comes to the door with a Dozen Roses from Justin for Hayden and I. It was really sweet considering he is in Illionis again this week. I actually managed to get a couple pictures of Hayden with them, and I tell ya it wasn't an easy task. He kept trying to pull the flowers off.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Teeth and Curls...

Just wanted to inform those of you that we haven't told, Haydens front tooth has finally come in. His right tooth has broken the skin and the left is about too. They have been so swollen for the last couple of months, and I know that he had to be feeling bad. But they are finally coming thru.
The pictures above are after his bath tonight, dont ya love the curls. Little girls would be envious. :-)

Let it Snow!

It was snowing this morning when Hayden and I woke up. It snowed a couple of inches, but not as much as they had predicted. But that is fine with me. I did manage to get a couple pics of the park from the porch, before Hayden started crying because I went out the door without him.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Couple of videos of Hayden playing around the house.

The first one he was playing with the dogs in the kitchen, probably Titan.

The second was taken this evening. He went in the kitchen got under the cabinet and found a pot to play with. He then brought it into the living room and began banging on it. He had a blast for about 10 minutes.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hayden Gets Visitors...

Aunt Patty came out for a visit yesterday, was only going to stay for a few hours and ending up staying the night... yay! (no pictures tho) She was having a few car tire issues that we still have not gotten solved, but maybe we will in time.My neighbor came over too and brought her two little ones. Logan is 2 months younger than Hayden. We did manage to get a couple of pics. He just stayed with his Aunt Patty and he was perfectly happy and I am sure that she was too!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kisses from Titan

This is Titan our Doberman giving Hayden some kisses. Sometimes he tries to lick him so much that Hayden starts getting mad. Titan then will stop for a few minutes and then start again and Hayden will laugh.


So we went out to eat lunch today and this couple walked by and said Hi... and Hayden looked and said Bye... We also bought him a new toy and it says ByeBye and he said Byebye and he also said it when Dada took him to to door. So that adds to Mama, which sometimes sounds like Mum... BaBa, and Bob (maybe Spongebob) and he said Huh. Everyone says that he gets that from Justin. Still no DADA, and that is making Justin mad.. just kidding.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lovin' on Flash

Little Climber

Today I put Haydens little seat in front of the couch and he was using it to climb onto the couch. It was cute. I was afraid that he was going to fall off, but he actually got down on his own once. I was standing behind him to make sure he didn't fall.