Friday, December 17, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

Decorating the Tree

Playin in the Snow

Hayden's Christmas Program

Hayden had his Preschool Christmas Party today. He did really well. I was surprised that he stayed up there the whole time even if he didn't sing all of the songs =)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Out on the Boat

Daddy dressed him for bed lol

Beach Trip 2

Beach Trip 2010

We went to the Beach with Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris in Aug.. It was a really good trip other than a few meltdowns and the sunburn that my sis and I got.

Riding Bicycle

While we were in Alabama Hayden learned how to ride a bicycle. We had bought him one for his Birthday so he was excited to come home and ride his bike now that he knows how!

Alabama Trip

Hayden and Casen

Hayden and Justin at Fayette Park

Fayette Park

A few pictures of our trip to Alabama at the end of May! Hayden had a blast playing with his Cousins.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Helping MeMe

Happy 3rd Birthday!!