Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pumpkin Festival 2009

Justin, Hayden and I went to the Pumpkin Festival this past Thursday night. This is Hayden's 3rd year going and this was the 1st year we managed to get a picture of him with the King Pumpkin.

Myrtle Beach 2009

This is where we spent most of our time.

Hayden and I at Ripley's Believe it or Not

First Time going into the water... as you can see he wasn't too happy

First look of the ocean... he didn't know what to think

We went to Myrtle Beach at the beginning of the month. I had only been to the beach one other time and that was like 9 or 10 years ago with my friend Jennifer from High School. I am not much of a beach person, but I figured Hayden would love it. And he did. We went with Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris. Looking forward to another trip together next year!