Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ohio State Fair

We went to Columbus to celebrate Aunt Patty's birthday. It just happened that the Ohio State Fair was going on and we decided to go. Hayden loved every minute of it. He was actually pretty tired in the beginning because he hadn't napped yet. Thanks again Patty and Chris for taking us to the fair. We look forward to going again next year.

Feeding the Goats some carrots.

Hayden and Mommy

Hayden with his Light Saber.

Hayden finally getting to play a game all by himself.

Riding the Carousel with Mommy and Daddy

"Baa-Ram-Ewe" is what he was saying to the sheep.... he got that from the movie Babe.

Chris and Hayden

Aunt Patty and Hayden... he kept looking at the Tractors behind me.

Helping and Swimming

Justin was outside working on his 4-wheeler and Hayden thought that his little go-cart needed and adjustment too. Justin took a break from working on his 4-wheeler and Hayden took over for him. After all of that working Hayden said that he needed to go swimming and so that is what we did.

Bethesda Park

We went over to our little park at the beginning of July for their yearly festival. We actually had to go over both days and ride the train. I think that he would have stayed on there all day if it was up to him.