Thursday, July 23, 2009

Potty Training

I cannot believe that we are already at the potty training stage. Every since Hayden was around 15 months he has been interested in going on the potty, but I didn't push him into it. He would go when he wanted and that was fine. Well for 3 full days now we have big boy underwear all the time. OK well except for nap and bedtime, but other than that. But even during those times for the last few days he has woken up clean diapers, and I am hoping by the end of the weekend we will need no diapers ag all. It makes me sad to know that he is getting so big. I can't believe that he is almost 2 and half. Where has the time gone and can I please have it back.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some outside Pictures

Fathers Day Weekend

The weekend of Fathers day everyone got together at our house and grilled out. We not only celebrated Fathers Day, but my birthday that just happen to fall on Fathers day this year and Justins birthday. Patty and Chris got to come out and stay a couple of days. Hayden LOVES getting to see his Aunt Patty. We are looking forward to our week at the Beach with Patty and "Kiss".

Hayden had company

At the end of June Hayden's MawMaw and Pawpaw Jeff got to come again for another visit. It was great getting to see them again this summer. Hayden has really gotten to know them and loves every minute that he gets to spend with them. Hopefully we will get down there before long.