Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Poor Pooh Bear

Justin's parents brought their basset hound puppy, Pooh Bear, with them when they came up here. On this particular day Hayden kept following him around with blanket trying to cover him so he could go nite-nite.

Trip to the Zoo

We took Hayden to the Columbus Zoo last weekend. It was finally warm weather here... I think that MawMaw and PawPaw Jeff brought the nice weather with them. Now that they are gone the weather is back raining and cold. You guys need to come back ! :-)

Hayden looking at "Fluffy" the largest snake in Captivity.

He loved the Bears. I think that he would have stayed there looking at them all day

He wa sooo wore out by the end of the day. We were not use to the heat and sun

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Hayden's MawMaw and PawPaw Jeff came up for a visit from Alabama. One of the days they were here we went over to the Highlands to Cabelas.

Easter 2009

I am sorry that I am so far behind, but it has been a really busy month for us.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Playdate with Gracie

Hayden went and stayed with Meme last Thursday for a few hours. Well, she decided to take him to a friend of hers house that has a little girl named Gracie to play with. I wasn't sure how he would do because Hayden is of course a little shy. But I guess that he had fun. He seems to warm up to children faster than adults.

Friday, April 10, 2009

A few nights ago I decided to give Hayden a bath in the sink, because I have had double ear infections in both ears and it was easier to stand. He hasn't had a bath in the sink since I don't remember when, and for some reason he thought it was the greatest thing. As you can see though he won't be getting too many more in there.
Also, we took Hayden to the doctor on the 31th of March for his 2 year check up. Everything checked out fine. He was 26 pounds 25-30% and was 33 3/4 50%. So I guess he is going to be a tall and skinny boy. Hayden is also getting some new teeth. He is getting his second molars on the top.