Monday, December 21, 2009

More Snow

First time playing in the snow this year!

Festival of Lights

We all took Hayden to the Festival of Lights in Wheeling WV.

Helping Decorate The Tree


We had Thanksgiving this year at our house. We were so busy around here that day that I didn't get very many pictures. But here are the ones that I did manage to get.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween 2009

Hayden went on his first trick or treat this Halloween. The poor baby was sick and we were not even sure if we were going to take him but he was so excited. He had already missed his trip to Aunt Patty and Uncles Chris' to go. So we had to take him out for a few minutes. Then we came back to the house and passed out candy.


Barnesville Park

These were taking awhile ago... but I just haven't been able to update much lately.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pumpkin Festival 2009

Justin, Hayden and I went to the Pumpkin Festival this past Thursday night. This is Hayden's 3rd year going and this was the 1st year we managed to get a picture of him with the King Pumpkin.

Myrtle Beach 2009

This is where we spent most of our time.

Hayden and I at Ripley's Believe it or Not

First Time going into the water... as you can see he wasn't too happy

First look of the ocean... he didn't know what to think

We went to Myrtle Beach at the beginning of the month. I had only been to the beach one other time and that was like 9 or 10 years ago with my friend Jennifer from High School. I am not much of a beach person, but I figured Hayden would love it. And he did. We went with Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris. Looking forward to another trip together next year!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ohio State Fair

We went to Columbus to celebrate Aunt Patty's birthday. It just happened that the Ohio State Fair was going on and we decided to go. Hayden loved every minute of it. He was actually pretty tired in the beginning because he hadn't napped yet. Thanks again Patty and Chris for taking us to the fair. We look forward to going again next year.

Feeding the Goats some carrots.

Hayden and Mommy

Hayden with his Light Saber.

Hayden finally getting to play a game all by himself.

Riding the Carousel with Mommy and Daddy

"Baa-Ram-Ewe" is what he was saying to the sheep.... he got that from the movie Babe.

Chris and Hayden

Aunt Patty and Hayden... he kept looking at the Tractors behind me.