Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
I will be behind on the blog yet again, because Hayden has a cold. We went to the doctor today because he has been coughing so bad the last few days. He also might be getting an Ear Infection. She said the one ear was a little more inflamed than the other, so he might be starting to get one. Gave us a prescription for antibiotics and said if he starts pulling at it more than go have it filled... so let us hope that we dont' have to use it.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Time for bed...

Ok Mommy stop taking pictures and please help me

Aunt Patty and Chris got Hayden a fishbowl for Christmas. This is him tonight watching them eat after he fed them. If it was up to Hayden he would feed them every 5 seconds.

The other pictures are taken right before we went upstairs to bed. For the last few days every
night when I tell Hayden that we are going NiteNite he starts gathering up as many things
as he can get in his arms and more. I am not sure why he started it, but it makes for a fun trip up the steps.

More Christmas 2008

Hmmm... where did these come from.

Popcorn and a Movie

Justin and I have been wanting to start a family movie night with Hayden for awhile. Hayden really isn't too much into the tv. I mean he LOVES spongebob but that is about it. Well, we figured it wouldn't hurt to try so we popped some popcorn and started Cars. It didn't take him long to lose interest in the movie, but the Popcorn was a hit.

Mommy's Little Helper

Here is my little man helping me with the bills. He knows that Daddy hates to help, so he figured that he would try


This is what the train looked like after they were finished. But
let me tell you it didn't stay like that for long. Hayden had it
destroyed in a matter of minutes.

I know that I am behind updating the blog, but as you all know December is really busy. But here are a few pics from the month.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Radio Flyer Tricycle From Santa (Mommy and Daddy)
Daddy Trying to show him how to ride it

He of course thought that it was just easier to use him feet on the floor :-)

Ok! I can do this!

Too Cute not to share. Mambo again

Hayden opening his Giddy up and go Pony from MeMe and Papaw

Opening his Fishbowl from Aunt Patty and Chris.

Hayden and the newest addition to the family Dr. Mambo! :-)

These are some pictures that I got off of my moms camera. She ended up taking
most of the pics so that I could record.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Finally on our way home...

Flash came up visit Hayden
Hayden enjoying his frist White Castle!

Back in Illinois

Out to eat with MeMe and Papaw the night before we left.
Harrisburg Lake

Patty, Chris, Justin and I went riding Four-wheelers Saturday evening before dinner.

Escape Artist

This was on our way back to Illinois on Friday. I turned around to see what Hayden was laughing at and this is what I found. He had managed to undo his carseat straps so that he could get to the puppy. I of course after taking these pictures got him buckled back in and tightened the straps.


Casen, Hayden, and Corbett.
MawMaw and Hayden after we got back from looking at the Christmas

Lights at Fayette Park.
Corbett and Hayden

Hayden and Casen

Aunt Leiann actually got Hayden to sleep!

Illinois (Tuesday)

Hayden got up soooo early that morning. He finally crashed
Hayden and my nephew Austin. He was going to go with Austin to wach him skate.

Playing Rock Band

and again...

A week in review

These posts will probably be out of order, but at least you will get the idea of our week. Last week during the Holidays we decided to go Illinois to visit my family for Thanksgiving. Patty and Chris weren't gonna be able to come out until the weekend, so we postponed our thanksgiving until Sat evening. Since we were going to be so close to Alabama (6 hrs away) we decided to go down there Wen and have dinner there thurs. We came back to Ill on Friday and then left there Mon. We had a really busy holiday and racked up some miles. I think that we ended up driving around 2,000 miles. That to me was a lot, but Hayden done really well.

New Haircut

Took Hayden for his big boy haircut today.