Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thank you Jenn!

One of my best friends from High School made this shirt for Hayden.


It has been snowing here for last couple of days, but nothing has been sticking. Well, that was until lastnight. It wasn't a whole lot of snow, but this is our first snow of the year.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

For Aunt Patty, Corbett and Casen...


Yesterday Ashley, Kylie (my neighbors), Hayden and I went to the movies for Kylie's 5th birthday. We went and watched Madagascar 2 and it was a cute movie. I had been really nervous about taking Hayden, because I wasn't sure how he was gonna do. There is only 1 thing that he usually watches and that is the Spongebob song. But he did really REALLY well. He sat in my lap the whole movie. He was sooo still at times that I thought he was asleep. I think that his favorite part was the Popcorn.

BTW people still think that he looks like a little girl even after his new haircut! What do I have to do?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

1st Haircut

Of course this is before...
And the after...

This was also his 1st Sucker!
And he LOVED it!

He would not seat by himself
He did pretty good for his haircut today. He did scream for about 5 minutes,
but other than he did fine! Hope everyone likes it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Another 1st....

We are going for Hayden's 1st haircut in the morning. I have been thinking about doing it for the last few weeks, but I keep talking myself out of it. Well then there was this morning. I just picked up the phone and made the appointment and decided if I have that then I might not back out, right??? I just know that is is time. He is already such a big boy that I wanted to hold on to what little boy I had left, and his hair was that little piece. I will post some pics tomorrow!!