Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Painting

Halloween 2008

We had our Trick or Treating tonight. We didn't take Hayden, but we did let him pass out some Candy. He was an adorable little Cowboy this year. He did not like his hat, but he didn't mind the rest of it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

LONG Hair...

These are pics of Hayden's hair after a blowdry. Tonight was the first time I have ever done this.
He is starting to get a cold and I didn't want him to go to bed with wet hair. After the blow dry it made his hair look sooo long, but now it is starting to curl up more!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Update on Hayden's Boo Boo

It has been a week today, actually about right this minute a week ago that my baby boy first got his stitches. So we are going to take him back to the ER in the morning to hopefully get them removed. His doc didn't want to take them out because the stitches are above his upper lip, and the fact that he is only 18 months old. Soooo... back to the ER we go. I am trying to talk Justin into taking him, because I just cannot listen to his poor scream again.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Little Artist

This is his FAV thing to do right now!
Going to show his artwork to Momma
May have to click the pic to see it better. This is the side of
my stove after Hayden drew on it with a Marker!
We have been really lucky and he hasn't done it to the walls or anything, but
if he does at least they are washable, right?

Friday, October 10, 2008

My Poor Baby!

Hayday had to get stitches lastnight. He was playing the living room, fell and hit a speaker. He hit the area above his upper lip and it split pretty good, and so we rushed off to the ER. I could not stay in there while he got the stitches, so his Dada did. I got to be the good guy when it was all over.

Monday, October 6, 2008

18 Month Pictures!

We finally got Hayden's 18 month picture today! He wasn't a happy camper either, but we did manage to get a couple of pics

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hayden ..