Saturday, August 23, 2008

Playing in Momma's Clean Towels!

Here is Hayden playing in the basket of Dada's Work Towels!

Caldwell Park...

Hayden, Meme (my mom), and I went out to Caldwell the other night. While we were there we decided to stop at this playground because it was empty and we knew that Hay would have the run of it. He loved it. He got to go down the slide ALL by himself. That took a lot of persuading from Meme, because I am a little over protective!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Columbus Zoo!

Hayden, Justin and I headed to Columbus yesterday to visit with Patty and go to the Zoo! We have been trying all summer to get out there. It seemed like Patty and Justin were never off of work at the same time, but yesterday it all worked out. We walked around for 3 1/2 hours and didn't get to see everything. There were a few things that we knew that we had to see bc we knew Hayden would like them. I think that he really liked the Zoo and we can't wait til we get to take him again.... After we left the Zoo we went back to Aunt Patty's apartment and visited with her and "Uncle" Chris ..... :-) He didn't get to go to the Zoo with us, but maybe next time he can come with us!

Friday, August 8, 2008

First Sleepover....

Hayden had his first sleepover the other night... and it was with a girl! :-) My little man! Our neighbors little girl wanted to spend the night with Hayden and seeing as how it was just Hayday and I for the night.. I said she could... I figured I would be in for a long night but, thankfully Hayden was really tired and went to bed around 10 and Kylie followed shortly afterward!

Yes BTW Hayden does sleep in the bed with me.... But for right now I am not complaing, bc I really value sleep... and when he is sleeping with me we usually get to sleep until like 8:30 - 9 in the morning!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Ride in the Wagon...

It was pretty nice the other day and we finally got another chance to pull Hayden around in the wagon. He loves going for a walk around town in his little wagon!

Best Part of Toysrus!

Barnesville Park...

Yesterday morning Hayden, Justin and I went to Barnesville Park. It was his first of many times to that park. He loved it there! It had a lot of stuff for him to climb all over and that is his favorite thing to do...