Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Busy Week!

Sorry I have't posted anything this week, but I promise to catch up in the next few days. My mom was in and out of the hospital this past week having some tests done. They are still not sure what was wrong. My dad ended up coming home to spend some time with her and to get things done at the house. Mom has finally decided that she is going to be going to Illionis for awhile. I am not looking forward to it, but I know she needs to go. So Hayden and I have been visiting with them a lot this week. Ya know that Hayden doesn't get to see him Papaw very much. I will have some pics to post after things settle down. Hope everyone is doing good!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Our Big Boy!

Hayden has finally figured out how to get on and off the Couch. He has been able to get on it for awhile actually, but within the last couple of weeks he has been getting down himself. I can't believe it... It just seems like yesterday I had to watch him and make sure he didn't roll off!

He is also starting to get quite a Vocab! Here are the newest words:

ByeBye, Big Boy, Good Boy, Good Dog, Dog Dog, Hot, Hi, Juice, Papaw, No, Yeah, Back, Baby, Bite and More (kinda sounds like Oar!) I am sure there are a lot more... but that is just to name a few!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Visiting Logan....

I took Hayden over the neighbors house to play for a little while lastnight, because it has been too hot for them to play outside. I couldn't really get a good pic of them... They would not sit still for one second it seemed... But here are the ones that I got


Hayden has started carrying around a Woobie! He loves the one that Aunt Patty made him, but it was in the washer at the time of this picture. I will get a picture of him with it later on today... I am not sure why he started carrying one around. The only thing that he HAS to have is his Bink!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Helping Dada

Hayden was helping Dada build the railing on the back porch today!

Taco Boy!

We let Hayden have his first Taco yesterday and he loved it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


For the last couple of weeks Hayden has been showing some interest in the Potty. We bought him one awhile back so that when he was ready we would have it. It has been in the bathroom and lately when he follows me in there he sits on it. Well the last couple of days he has actually been going. He has pooped in there and today peed like 3 times! Amazing to me and thought that I would share!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

15 Month Well Visit

We went for Haydens 15 month appointment today. He turned 15 months on the 26th of last month. Here are some pictures of him playing before the shots. He had to get three of them and he cried the WHOLE time.

He measurements were:
30" Tall (we don't think that it was too accurate he was screaming
and we couldn't hold him down that well)

22 pounds

Guess he is gonna be a little guy like his Dada!