Thursday, June 26, 2008


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My goofball Flash

Justin, Hayden and I went for a walk around town this evening. We took Flash with us too because he was crying when we left. We weren't sure if he was going to make it all the way around, but he did. He was sure wore out after we got home tho. Hayden took the lid off of his Sandbox to play in it and Flash decided that it was a nice cool place to lay. Hay thought that it was funny and kept putting sand on him. He now of course needs a bath!

Enjoying some Birthday Cake...

I turned another year older the other day! The best part of Birthdays is of course the Birthday Cake... After we ate lunch we figured we would go ahead and eat some cake, because Dada had to go into work early that day.


We have a bird nest on our front porch at the top of one of the posts and Hayden loves watching them. He would stand on our base board heater and watch them. Well, right before we left for Bama a couple of weeks ago the baby birds flew the nest. I never managed to get a picture of him watching them. Then to my surprise there is another bird now nesting in the nest. I showed it to Hayden and I managed to finally get a picture of him.

Day at the Lake

We decided that we would take Hayden to the lake today. Well, when we got there we figured we might as well get out in the water. We rented a Pontoon Boat for a few hours. Hayden had a lot of fun, but you can't really tell from the pics. The wind kept blowing so it was hard to get a get pic of him smiling. Yes, his hair is messy but like I said the wind had been blowing.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So after going to the Splash Pad in Fayette, we found out how much Hayden really liked the water. The day after we came home we went and bought him a pool and was excited for him to get to play in it. Well, as of right now he has only been in it for about 5 minutes. The day we bought it a bad storm headed this way, but before it rained he played in it for a few mins and loved it. And well seeing as how are back up North the weather has turned cold for some reason and is suppose to stay that way for another week. It was only 68 today. Even tho I am really enjoying the cooler weather after being in Bama last week. I wish that it would warm up so he can enjoy his Pool.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Visiting Aunt Patty

The Sunday before we left to go to Alabama, we went to Columbus to spend the day with Aunt Patty.

Baby Chicks

Hayden got to meet some baby chicks while were in Bama. He really wasn't too sure of them. I think that the only part that he liked about the whole experience was getting down and chasing them. I felt bad for the little chicks.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Playing in the Sandbox

Casen, Corbett and Hayden playing in the Sandbox!

Splash Pad

As I mentioned we were headed to Bama this past week. Hayden really liked getting to see everyone even though he was pretty shy most of the time. We took Hayden, and his cousins, Corbett and Casen, to the Splash Pad Tuesday and Thursday. These pictures are from the second day because the others are still on my camera on the internal memory. I forgot to put the SD card back in that day.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bama Bound!

Hayden, Justin and I are headed to Bama for a week tomorrow. Well actually Monday, tomorrow we are going to Columbus to spend the day with Aunt Patty. We are not sure how Hayden is going to handle the ride, but I guess we will find out. Also, not sure if I will have internet while I am there. SO might be a week before you guys hear anything fom me, but when I get back there will be lots of pictures to post!