Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Sis' Baby ....

He was a little guy then...
He is getting soooo big!
Ok so I know this blog isnt about Hayden, but they can't all be right. This is Rhythm my sisters horse. He is now I think 11 months. ( if i am wrong Patty I am sorry) But I think that he is like the same age as Hayden. The las time that I saw him he was the size of him in the first picture, and that was forever ago. Well, I just wanted to show you some of our other babies, and my fur nephews. I will post more pics of all the babies soon.

Monday, January 28, 2008

First Popsicle

First taste....
He thought he was going to bite it....
This is pretty good after all...

Hayden was a little bit fussy earlier and wouldn't eat anything that I gave him. I am guessing that his gums still hurt pretty bad. Soo I had bought him some sugar free popsicle so that he could suck on them. He of course had it all over him, and his little hands are still red. But it was worth it because he liked them.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dada gone again.....

Dada left again today for Ill. Here are a couple pics of Hayden and Dada playing this morning before he left.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


We finally got some pictures of Hayden in the snow. He was mad at us for two reasons, first that we had a coat on him and he hates it, and second that we wouldn't let him down to play.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Visit from Aunt Patty

Aunt Patty came out earlier than we thought on Thursday and got to spend the day with us. We all went out to eat, MawMaw-Daddy, Aunt Patty-and I, at Longhorn on Thursday night. We also went to Wal-mart, bc I need to buy a floor lap to replace the end table. Hayden is a climber and he was climbing all over everything. He was using his toys to try and climb on the end table. Then this morning we went to to Doc with Patty, and then we went to Grandmas house.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Just thought that I would share that Hayden still only has the 2 bottom. The others have yet to make an appearance, even tho we are feeling the effects of them. He has been a little bit cranky at times. He bites on everything, and lately that includes Daddy and I. I hope that they come thru soon tho, because I just feel so bad for him. I will keep everyone posted on the progress.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

To Grandmothers house we go!

Hayden and I went for a visit to grandmas. When we got there the power was out, so we decided to go out to eat and do a little shopping for picture frames. Needed to get a lot of them for all the pics that we had taken the other day. SO everyone expect pictures in the next few months. :-) jk

Enjoying some Ice Cream

Loving some Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Syrup. He had it all over eveything, including me and Mom.

Bob the Builder

While we were waiting on MawMaw to park the car at Wal-mart tonight Hayden got a to play on the little ride. He kept smacking Bob in the face, it was pretty funny.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

After a day of shopping...

Hayden, Maw-Maw, and I went shopping today. Hayden actually walked most of the time while we were in Wal-Mart, going pretty much where he wanted too. It was the cutest thing. I didn't get any pictures, but I will try too next time. I did get a couple pics of him walking around here and a new video. He was really wobbly tho, I guess either from just waking from a nap or all the walking he did at Wal-Mart.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Daddy is gone...

Justin left this mornig for another 7 days in Illionis. Soooo it is just Hayden and I for a week. SO, I will probably not be able to post too many things this week. I will try tho, but he is a handful.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Brushing his teeth

He loves to brush his teeth. I of course brush them for a minute, then he takes over. He also tries to put it in our mouths.

Bubbles in the Tub!

Hayden playing with the bubbles in the bathtub. His favorite time of the day, and esp now with the bubbles.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Bath and Bubbles

While we were out today I bought Hayden some bubbles and we thought that we would try them in the tub, so he wouldn't be sticky, to see if he liked them... And of course he did. He kept trying to catch them, but I am not sure if he ever did. But he sure had fun trying.

Day of Shopping...

We went to St. Clairsville today for a few errands and of course while we were out we had to buy Hayden a new toy. We bought him a Learn and Groove Musical Table. He only played with it for about 5 minutes. He thinks that it something else for him to push around the floor.

The Video is a little dark, but you get the idea.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Picture Day

Hayden had his 9 Month pictures today and he did great. He of course loves for everyone to make a fuss over him.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Finger Foods...


His new favorite thing to do.... clapping!


Look at our Big Boy! Already walking!