Monday, June 13, 2011


Mother's Day

I had the best Mother's Day this year. At Hayden's school they had a little get together. It was the cutest thing. He made me a card and also a little sand thing and we had a lunch. I didn't get any pictures with my camera just on my cell so I dont' have very much to post on here. =(

Spring Soccer 2011

We signed Hayden up for Spring Soccer.... He loved going to all the practices but the games sometimes were a challenge. He was the smallest one pretty much on both teams so he would just stay back. I think that he played great tho! I was soooo proud of him.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Little Man turns 4!!!!

Birthday Ice Cream at Outback!

My little man turned 4 on March 26th! I still cannot believe that he is already 4. Somtimes I wonder where the time has gone. He is a very strong willed little guy. I have loved every minute of the last 4 years!!


We signed Hayden up to play Soccer this spring. He seems to be enjoying it so far and their first game is this Monday.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

Decorating the Tree